Dancing in the sunlight

Monday, and up early with Lorraine, who made off to work. I spent a morning completing, then sending off the short story called The Roles I had been working on (it was really a sewing together rather than writing something from scratch) to a journal.

Tidied up the house and hoovered in Beth's room, now empty of her belongings and around the house. Eerily quiet today with only the cats for company.

At one point in the afternoon I sought the source of a strange new ticking in my study. It was only after I had examined the boiler and pressed my ear against the computer,  that I noticed the solar-powered Shaun the Sheep, a present from Maureen and Pat, was dancing.

Cooked for Lorraine, and had a quiet night in with her. Beth and John settling in well, although Beth has to travel up to Ely to start at some ungodly hour first thing in the morning on a shoot.
