Not Hyde

Up early again. Looking blearily out of the kitchen window just after seven, saw Calliope watch a fox, only a metre away, with a complete lack of concern. Was offered work from the folks in London I worked with earlier this year for a couple of months, but the timing was all wrong. Also offered some work by Pat, but had to decline this too.

I spent the day working productively on the Edinburgh business, sending out of 26 press releases, amongst other bits. Also went for an hours' walk. Spoke to Mum too, who is looking forward, as I am, to the Tobster's visit.

In the evening cooked and served up a late supper for Lorraine, back from another performance of the school play which seems to be going down well. She is unbelievably busy at the moment, trying to get everything sorted. I am looking after her nicely when she gets home.

Beth working up near Oxford today being an extra. Luckily she was given a lift home, and near our house passed a Peter Kenny double, shambling home looking strange and slightly mad. She came up to our room to check that it wasn't a Mr Hyde like version of me.
