Up to Edgware
Up to visit Mum and Mas today, as Mum due to have an overnight stay in hospital tomorrow. Got a fairly early train and headed straight for faux first class, where I made the final changes to the draft of The Second Kind of Darkness. All I have to do now is print it out (again) and have a last sweep then pass it onto people who are prepared to read it for some final feedback before I start sending it out. Should you, as a reader of this blog, want to have a squint at it, then let me know.
Foot, which is not entirely better, held up remarkably well today, and when I got home my step counter told me I had walked roughly 6 1/2 miles.
Hung out with Mum and Mas. It was a frustrating day for them as the occupational health person had organised a firm to come around and fix a handrail up the stairs. They were supposed to be there before 3.00pm, but never showed up. Mum phoned them to discover that the company had been bought out today, so all the jobs were cancelled at the last minute. While we were waiting for the hand rail person, we ordered a delivery pizza. This too was delayed. Mum and I eventually went out for a nice walk into Edgware and walking about in the local park smelling roses and looking at squirrels with white bellies. Then into Edgware, for a spot of shopping, before we came home again and Mum drove us off to Hatch End to a Wetherspoons pub to have a cold beer and some grub. They bumped into a man that knew them from the previous Wetherspoons they had eaten and drunk at in Stanmore. There seems to be a bit of a fraternity.
Then mum drove us to Mill Hill and where I just missed a southbound train. Home a little before 10:45. Lorraine sleepy and already in bed.
Below a mystery yellow flower that Mum knew from childhood. It had rough leaves, and was growing in the gloomy church yard on Edgware High Street. I had to stop mum uprooting one of them in an act of blatant thievery. I told her God was watching her, and she said that he'd be pretty bored by now if he was.