Iron resolution

Traditional start the new year, a run-over somewhat maimed feeling, having drunk a fair amount at Anton's house last night. Got up carefully, fed the cats and returned with a cup of tea for my lovely wife, who being far more sensible than me was in fine form. After weighing myself I forged an iron resolution not to overeat for, due to some species of medical anomaly, I appear to weigh more than two entire kilos more than I did this time yesterday.

The day's plan involved picking up Rosie, zooming to Dawn's house for brunch, then galloping about on the Downs. We retrieved a hungover Rosie and Lorraine drove us to Steyning, where the normally bubbly Dawn confessed had consumed two Tuacas and some Prosecco the night before, which for Dawn is a skinful, and so was a tad jaded too, so instead we sat about in Dawn's cottage talking for hours. Dawn administered Berroca, delicious quiche and salad, coffee and prune and banana muffins and delicious squares of chocolate tiffin and then I engulfed a slice of Christmas cake, the Kenny iron resolution pretty shabby by this point.

Spent the next few hours chatting with the ladies, before we were ready for a brisk walk around Steyning in a refreshing light rain. The ladies had spent the afternoon talking animatedly about education, what with Lorraine starting her new job. Dawn and I are also hatching a plan for a new course to run in schools.

Then back to Brighton, dropping Rosie home after she had called in on a colleague to collect a gift of a dead plant, and collecting Betty from the station, a touch subdued after a lively New Year's Eve with Olivia and Emily in their old stomping ground, and not getting to bed till 5 o'clock. 

I cooked a vegetarian meal.  Then after a spot of TV I spent a happy hour or so  flat on my back on the gold sofa with Spotify on my laptop blissfully playing jazz. An early night, Lorraine and I sober as a judges.

Happy new year everyone.
