
A stress festival. Up early with Lorraine having to drag the six foot square bookcase outside, so the carpet could be laid. Then to work, as there is loads of screamingly urgent work to be done.

The carpet people came around, both very pleasant, but lots of noise inevitably, and questions asked and so on. Any progress on my own work was hard-won. The carpet looks great once down, however. Just as they were leaving, a passing neighbour asked if they could have the bookcase, which we have been trying to get rid of. Brilliant. Half killed myself getting it up the road with neighbours and Betty but a result.

Beth and I then stepped back into the house to admire the carpet, when Beth noticed a sound like a shower. Actually it was a flood and water was streaming down from Lorraine and my top floor bedroom and dripping off the live lightbulbs. Action stations, and thank goodness Beth was there, who called the emergency plumber while I turned the electricity off and having called Lorraine located the water main out in the street and turned off the water main. The dripping into buckets continued for some time. Lorraine came back from school for a bit, as the plumber arrived. An efficient, friendly man. The problem was the shower had come apart in the wall, having been a botch job by the previous owner. Luckily having been in the house there was little damage done. If had happened yesterday, when everybody was out all day it would have been an utter disaster. Luckily we have two showers in the house, as this one is capped off now. En-suite bathroom needs fixing.

Meanwhile urgent work getting even more urgent. Conversation with Matt about the overarching relationship with client. Lorraine, having been told what to do by plumber, able to restore power to my study so I could work. Half the house still off though. Worked hard from mid-afternoon to get some of it done, feeling very stressed indeed.

Then more humping and carrying with Beth, and putting curtains up in the main room. All looking good. Lorraine arrived and Beth cooked PK comfort food of pasta, gratefully scarfed. Then I spent an hour looking for the house insurance. All the documents were pdf and online, but this year's renewal was found eventually by Lorraine as it had been posted to me instead, with zero email trail.

At ten o'clock I drank a single can of beer, then went to bed with Lorraine who was shattered after another day's headteachering -- with an interlude of flood management. We've had better days. A poor week so far. I hate Januaries.
