A happy homecoming

Last morning in the Kamelia Hotel, tucking into a final breakfast of olives, tomatoes, triangles of cheese, and toast and other scraps of Greek nice-ish stuff. Lorraine and I dragged our cases and assembled at the back of the hotel looking up at Mt Ipsarion with our fellow holidaymakers Penny, Dave and Jeanette. To Thassos town, where we caught the ferry, and all sat together at the front.

A toothless but tuneful accordion player played as we made the short crossing to Keramoti. Lorraine and I sat in a little Taverna by the harbour for half an hour drinking iced coffee with Dave, Jeanette and Penny before we all got back into the minivan which took us to the airport. We were first to arrive for our flight, two hours early. After surveying the shop and resisting bottles of ouzo and fridge magnets with donkeys on, Lorraine and I ate a final spanakopita from the cafe.

The flight home pleasant, but cramped. England grey but I was pleased to be back. Cheery farewells to Dave and Jeanette - Penny having grabbed her case and left early - and we were home fairly quickly, and cabbing back from Brighton station. Happy to be there and sit in the sunshine drinking a restoring cup of tea in the garden with the cats who seemed pleased to see us.

In the evening, after speaking briefly with Mum, Lorraine and I went to the Shahi where we met Betty and John for a cheery curry and a catch up. Astonishingly good not to be eating Greek food after two weeks, and to hear all the news from Betty. It's a lovely holiday, when you feel pleased to be home too.

Below Alexander the Great, by Warlamis, at the airport. A handy dispenser full of feta cheese at the airport and a snap somewhere over Austria or Switzerland.
