Fog on the South Downs

A happy day. Lorraine and I off to Steyning to a shop where we bought some plants, and then to another garden centre to buy more plants and compost. I don't know what is happening to me, but I find myself staring at the variegated leaf of a zonal geranium and deeply appreciating it.

A misty day, with very low cloud over the downs, making them look particularly mysterious, and Lorraine and I pulled up in the car, got out and walked up a country path between two fields, one of which had horses galloping about for fun in it. The downs disappearing into the cloud were quite magical.

Home and we planted lots of plants into the garden, with Lorraine doing the digging to save my thigh. Really exciting to see the bed fill up with plants. I can't believe how much I like our garden. Now it's just a wait to see what survives the onslaught of slugs, snails, foxes, Calliope, Brian and the rest of the neighbourhood cats.

Lorraine cooked a lovely roast this evening. John came home with Betty, who had been working in the food fair, and we played Euchre all evening. I really enjoy this, as it links the past to my present, and I find myself channelling Dave my grandfather, ending a hand by dramatically playing the joker, tutting at my wife for reneging, and saying things like 'one more each and we'll be level'.

Misty view from our bedroom, and mist on The Downs.
