Final scene

Gah. Have some kind of man cold which is leaving me utterly drained, with no energy even to listen to Sonia's opinions. This coincided with having printed out my entire book, the proofing is slow going, as some of the first few chapters are not consistent with the last. Not major problems, but will take a few days longer than expected to fix. Frustrated. The final scene of Carrie comes to mind, this draft refuses to be done with. However I just need a few sample chapters at this stage.

Arranging to meet Robin next week to talk about a pamphlet of poetry. New info being sent by new clients on writing work to do with cow fertility. From the sublime to the ridiculous as usual.

Had a lunchtime snack and watched a half-hour programme about Vincent Deighan, aka Frank Quitely the award winning comic artist. These BBC shows What do artists do all day? are quite fascinating. I'd love to work with a comic artist one day. This combined with other completely new ideas tantalising me. They are nothing to do with what I am working on, just the brain's way of making the end as tiresome as possible.

Below a picture of a Zombie granny, from Walking Dead, apparently based on an old teacher, by Frank Quitely -- which is, quite frankly, a great pseudonym.
