First Matie visits the newts

A quiet morning with Lorraine planning the year ahead, and tidying up the bomb-hit house: for First Matie was coming to visit. Wonderful to be able to share with her the highlife of Brighton - a rain-soaked traffic jam after picking her up, and then making her walk in the mud and rain of the bepuddled park, and taking her to the little walled garden, which was closed. However we did all enjoy looking at hundreds newts creeping about in murky pond. You have to make your own entertainment.

Luckily Lorraine cooked us a mountain of veggies and a pork joint, and we had a glass of wine and forked down roast, crunching on crackling and, after a decent pause, custard and apple crumble. Proper English fare and lots to recommend it. Many of discussions to be had, as it had been a long time since I'd seen Kate, and it makes me pleased that Lorraine and First Matie get on so well too.

I walked Katie off to Brighton station, for fond farewells. I then hurried off to the Unitarian Church to see Matt conduct some work by John Cage. Annoyingly as I checked the details on my phone in the street, I discovered that the concert had been the night before. Chumpishly called Matt to apologise for my non attendance, then squelched home in more icy rain to the comfort of the gold sofa.
