Released back into the wild

Another mild mannered journey in and was on time again. Last day in Tavistock Square, and of sitting next to First Matie. Sloped off to a local cafe with Nicola at lunchtime, and got myself some strangely chewy but pleasant lasagna and salad to take away. While we were waiting, and Nicola was smoking a fag, she pointed out the plaque across the way in Woburn Walk, which I'd walked through loads of times, saying that W.B. Yeats had lived there. It was near a sign for a place called Wot The Dickens, which seemed appropriate.

I was released back into the wild at six and hoofed it in the pouring rain to the station, and back to Brighton. Feeling a bit coldy and sore throated all day. Home and found Lorraine and Beth both fast asleep on the gold sofa. Lorraine with a cold and Beth with a cough. When these two sleeping beauties roused, we shuffled off for a restoring curry at The Shahi.

Below the Yeats plaque in Woburn walk. Also this Korean song by an artist called Psy is becoming a global phenomenon, and its hilarious horse dance is all the rage in several countries. If you're not already doing the dance you should check out the video.
