Passing Alley

Off in torrential rain this morning. Pleasant enough ride to work once the train had slid from under the brooding black cloud over Brighton and the downs. My new tea flask has transformed my journey, splashing a little comfort into a cup after half an hour or so... Such are the straws I clutch at. Work okay, but this is not an especially friendly office. An interesting area however, and I took myself off for a rainy half hour walk at lunchtime.

Listening to a Start the Week programme with Salman Rushdie being interviewed by Andrew Marr on the way home. Found myself warming to Rushdie in a way I'd not done before. Walked home from the station in stair-rod rain. I left my umbrella in the office in London. Despite being happy to be earning, I have been longing for Friday since Monday morning.

Home to some lovely food Lorraine had cooked. All well.

Below St John's Gate (I know nothing about this, and must investigate); Passing Alley a most Jack the Ripperish rat run; the gaudy almost Indian colours in Smithfield Market, a small garden in Smithfield with its statue and worn, be-lioned plinth. This part of London is full of such stuff.
