Lorraine is head girl

Excellent news today is that Lorraine has passed her NPQH (National Professional Qualification for Headship) course. This is really good news, and the reward for lots of hard work. We will celebrate this later in the week.Lorraine home early and I cooked up a chicken with rice and veggies for us and generally felt very proud of her.

I worked quietly on my business portfolio, which thank goodness is nearing completion. I say quietly but as The Old Church Hall is almost beneath the large viaduct which is undergoing maintenance. This means the occasional infernal road drill sound, but high in the air, plus the humming of cranes and generators and blokes shouting instructions. Meanwhile the agency called and said work would not be ready for me to do today.

Popped out for a cheeky Monday night drink with Anton in the Shakey's Head, sat on the table with our backs to the bar looking at the list of speciality sausages while we talked.

Below viaduct maintenance.
