
Much needed rain last night, enjoyed hearing it falling on Lorraine's velux windows.

Beth and Lorraine off to London for Beth's audition at The Drama Centre in London. Beth somewhat stressed as they departed. I returned home and quietly set about working on Betty the Spacegirl and prevented people being lascerated as they walk past my front garden by exuberant roses which have flowered and doubled in size in about a week. A vase of cut roses in my front room.

Nice chat with my neighbour Alex and his mother. Later, while I was working I had my window open and could hear Calliope getting huge attention, and saw her rolling on her back while people cooed over her and tickled her tummy. Fresh from this, the atrocious weasel ran into my house, jumped onto my desk and bit my hand quite hard. Cats have two faces.

At lunchtime to Janet's house to check all was well as she opened Diva, her first open house. Everything immaculately organised, and looking good. Two of the artist makers were there. One earnestly saying to the other 'I like your monkeys,' which struck me as funny.

Back home to continue rose struggling, writing, and boofing on my sofa. Lorraine and Betty returned. Beth had not been successful at the drama centre, which means she is definitely going to Kingston, which I think will suit her nicely.

Lorraine and I had a relaxed night. Lorraine read Defenders of Guernsey, and so did Richard. Both pointed out errors in the text which I will have a chance to correct on Monday morning before it goes to press, which is good. Both liked the story too, which is a relief. Then listening to music, followed by watching some footie. Both very tired by then and I could barely keep my eyes open.

Below a few snaps of Janet's house and parts of her Diva show on the Seven Dials trail.
