à Londres

Up to the smoke this morning to visit my lovely French clients as Jeanne is leaving.

Jeanne's replacement is Alexandra, a half French and half Russian woman. A rather extraordinary lunch with Alex and two frighteningly on the ball young women interns, Justine and Katerina (who is German). We were soon joined by Jeanne. We had wide-ranging and bizarre conversations, and I discovered that Alex is very funny, possessing strong opinions about the uselessness of jellyfish, the suicide rate in Normandy, and the tenets of Toltec civilisation. She crackles with an unpredictable energy when not gasping at cigarettes in an authentically French way.

We had just settled down in Cafe Rouge and poured some wine when Justine, who was sitting opposite, knocked her glass of red over my best shirt. Apart from this, however, great fun and the promise of further involvement with the French ladies. Jeanne unable to discuss the details of her future, and was naturally slightly preoccupied. But she is such an entrepreneurial person she will come up trumps.

Some hours later began my journey home enjoying the splendid earphones Lorraine had bought me. A cold today so slept on the train home.

Had to go into the Larder, and of course was served by the man I had the altercation with the other night. Some sheepishness.

Rallied to pop along to the pub at 9:30 to meet Fingers Capra and Richard Gibson, and other of Glen's chums. Enjoyable chats.
