Fudging it

Up at Lorraine's house and after making her a cup of tea shuffled home to do some copy for a press ad. This done the day was my lobster to work creatively. Annoyingly I have been struggling for progress this week. So have agreed to do a couple of days work from home writing some non-creative website copy.

Looking through my Penguin version of Timaeus and Critias by Plato as it contains the first mention of Atlantis in literature. I thought it was just a passing reference, but there is a surprising amount of material about it. I'm not particularly interested in the madcap theories about Atlantis, but Plato seems to have used it symbolically, although added lots of detail, so I'll take my steer from the great Greek.

Dawn's birthday today, and I popped out in the evening to the Basketmakers, where I met Dawn, Lorraine, Beth and, for the first time, Dawn's daughter Ellie who after a gap year has just started college. Some present giving to Dawn. I got her a box of fudge, from the aromatic fudge shop in the lanes, and guiltily got an extra two pieces for free. The first mouthful was fantastic, buttery sweetness with a hint of salt, but two pieces and you are on a sugar rush.

Dawn and Lorraine's daughters do them both credit. Ellie off with her mates after a bit, and Lorraine and Beth back home. I walked Dawn to the bus stop and then loped back to the Twitten. Here I was greeted by a strangely melancholy sight. Someone had a day or so ago sprayed some big and ugly tag on one of the white walls, which this morning had quickly been painted over. The rain simply washed the white paint onto the pavement, and the graffiti emerged again. I will sort it out tomorrow if nobody else does.
