The Hammersmith rain

Up early and off to the smoke this morning, and to Glamoursmith and work with Keith at his agency. Raining, of course, tumbling down on the empty building site by the river. All day till late talking about treatments for HIV. And for me a steep learning curve during a three hour meeting, followed by a briefing after work hours. Keith a very animated person, full of laughter sometimes in a very impish way. Also great to see how far treatments have come these days, and how for many HIV is a very manageable condition if they have access to treatments. Made me think of Tim and Rosa, my friends who died of AIDS, and feel sad that their lack of luck and timing.

It appears I shall be in London for the rest of the week, which is good for the Kenny coffers, and means I might catch up with Matty boy for a cheeky beer.

Lots of messages, not least that Richard and I have agreed to use the Brighton printer, the ISBN numbers have arrived and we are good to go. Also random contact from a parent enquiring when Skelton Yawngrave woudl be published, a recruitment person, an ex-colleague suggesting I may be able to do something in her school, and lots of other stuff. Things are definitely happening.

Home shortly before nine tonight. Bought fish and chips. Calliope all nervous, and judging by her uncharacteristically scaredy cat behaviour, there may have been a cat intruder. Lorraine voluteered tonight to pick up a new catflap. She is a treasure.

Worn out now and ready for bed. Up again to start it all over again in a few hours.
