A midsummer night's dream

A foul night in the Twitten. The alley was full of crazy drunks between 2 and 4 in the morning, so I lay awake feeling galled. At last the noise abated and, as I was finally drifting to sleep, Calliope appeared in the bedroom with a live mouse. This she released and it sped under my bed, with my feline in hot pursuit. Lorraine carefully staying in bed, I danced about naked, until I found a yellow rubber glove in the bathroom and managed to seize the poor half dead thing. The mouse had a hot body, which made me feel sick. And at 4:30am I could think of nothing else to do other than hurl it from my window. It landed with a tiny thud. Now I have a mouse on my conscience.

Didn't get out of bed until 1.00pm today, which is unheard of. However sleep has fixed the general wussiness I have been experiencing for the last couple of days. Tested the water of my aquarium using my water testing kit. Lorraine and I then walked back to her place, from where she drove me to the fish shop. Here I bought some fish, a gorgeous blue betta splendens (Siamese fighter), a golden sucking loach and three little corydoras julii catfish.

On the way back from this shop, Sam called to say that water was dripping from Lorraine's kitchen ceiling. After investigation and bucket placing, this wasn't too catastrophic fortunately. Back to my place for the fish, and then out to the Sussex Yeoman for what he barmaid said was the best roast in Brighton. But then she would.

In the evening off to the other side of town and to someone's leafy hillside garden on the Ditchling Road. Lorraine's pal Helen is in a group called Indigo Eye who were wonderful. How Brighton to be sitting in a back garden listening to chilled fusion music with a devotional undercurrent watching the sun set on Midsummer's day. A tremendously thoughtful and skilled band of musicians who sent everyone off to a happier place. Came home feeling cleansed, uplifted and relaxed.

Once home I spoke to Romy and Toby who were both on fine form, before heading for bed.

Below Indigo Eye.


Helen said…
Dear Pete,
This is Lorraine's pal Helen here - singer in INDIGO EYE. I just wanted to thank you for your beautiful words about the band and our gig on the Solstice.
To an emerging band like us (trying to break out of musical anonymity and front room gigs) your inspirational words can make the difference between survival and extinction. Our spirits have been heartily raised by them. Thank you Pete, for coming to the gig and thank you Lorraine for bringing him xx
Peter Kenny said…
Hi Helen! You're more than welcome. I downloaded your songs from iTunes too, which were mellowtastic.