Marcella's wedding

Up early feeling rather fragile after the lively night last night. A big full breakfast overlooking the mountains and Westport. A beautiful scene.

Decided that a walk was the best cure, so went for a wander around Westport with Aimee and Ash, who were on a mission to buy tights. We mooched about in the lovely little town, enjoying the little river that runs through it. About twenty people had brought rams into town in small trailers, and there was some ram trading going on, which was interesting to see. Chiefly took the form of folks leaning over trailers earnestly.

Then back to the hotel to get suited and booted. Marcella had sent me a note to remind me to wear a suit at couple of months ago, which was nice of her. A reputation for "creativity" precedes me.

The wedding itself was at St Mary's in town. It was a really nice wedding. Marcella crying with joy when she walked down the aisle with her dad. Everyone very pleased to see her married. As we left the church we all kissed and hugged them. I told Adrian he was a lucky dog, when Marcella joked that she had broken my heart.

Then back to the Knockranny House Hotel for a champagne reception, and lots of good food, and speeches and dancing. Marcella's speech was the best of all. Matt on our table set up a sweepstakes on total speech time, five Euros all in. My guess was ruined by Marcella's dad giving a very short and sincere speech. A nice table with Tim and Brendon from Hove, and Jo and Simon, and Matt and Juliette, Paula, Phil, Ash, Aimee and myself.

Did some dancing. But opted to sit out the Irish dancing song. Once they had spent five minutes organising the lines of four people and explaining how to do it they began. Just then a tiny dervish of a lady on the next table seized me and dragged me to join in. This utterly disrupted the dancing and it transpired my partner was too drunk to talk properly. Nevertheless everyone continued whirling about like mad anyway.

I sloped to bed at 1 with the party leaving many bitter enders dancing happily.

Below Marcella walking up the aisle with her proud dad. In the back of the car afterwards, just about to put on more lippy. More photos shortly.


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