Dragon's Dream

Ate my own bodyweight today: a large breakfast in a local pub, then back home for a big Thanksgiving feed cooked by Mase. Tanya and Robert mum and Mason's pals came around too, and we had a fun afternoon despite Tanya talking about boiling frogs in socks in the Philippines. Socks? Yes hessian socks. Then Lorraine started talking about the uses of leeches and maggots in medicine, which put me right off my turkey for several seconds.

Lorraine and I went home, and we were greeted ecstatically by Calliope, who had clearly given me up for dead after staying away last night. And after Lorraine left, the kitten superglued herself to me for the rest of the evening.

Over the kitten's head read Dragon's Dream, the new book by Roger Dean. He famously did the Yes covers I poured over as a teenager, but he has also had fascinating approaches to interior design, and architecture which are still way ahead of their time.

In the seventies Dean had a book called Views, which sold millions, and influenced me immensely... Not so much in terms of what he was painting but it was one of the first artists I could really relate to as a teenager who told you how he went about his craft, and how something drawn could become something fantastical and three dimensional in the real world.

Dragon's Dream is a gorgeous book, and his colour choices are often wonderful. He has followed his natural, futuristic vision and made it pay via album covers, computer games art, stage set design and so on. Dean is trying to get a movie made too, and I hope it comes off.

Below a Roger Dean image.
