Belt tightening

Starting a diet. I am close to my all time worst weight, and self disgust has now at last kicked in.

I know what to eat to keep a lid on my weight, but lately I have been snacking and comfort eating. And last week I went out for three or four meals in the evening, and drank quite a bit of beer too. So it's being sensible for a bit now till I drop a few kilos.

Brain like absolute mush today, making it hard to think straight or focus. One of my usual bouts of non-specific underpar wussinesses. Worked quietly on the French business and kept out of trouble. Went out to buy a cabbage, and ate some of it in the evening. Curried, with a few other veggies and a small amount of brown rice. Sigh.


livesbythewoods said…
Good luck with the diminishment process. It's bloody hard, but I will poke you with virtual sticks from time to time.

Just to help out, you undersatand.
Peter Kenny said…
Thank you! I need goading from time to time...