Getting ready for the pitch tomorrow. Managed to sneak off for a swim, however, which was 40 minutes of pleasantness. Back to work, and then a pitch rehearsal, and got home at 10:00pm. I had to cancel my evening out with Caroline and James. At least I am doing the wretched thing tomorrow. Then I have to hurry back to the agency to accept a new brief with another mad deadline. I need a break.

Caught up with Alice for a bit. She showed me pictures of her baby girl who is very cute. Also spoke to Anton who is considering buying a hi-tech walking stick.

After the train slid over the Thames I looked east and saw the big Canary Warf Tower reflecting the fire of the setting sun. It sparked off a fleeting 15 minutes of tranquility and cheerful stillness. Then I listened to my iPod a download of a Radio 4 programme about pastoral poetry.

Eating cherries after standing in my tiny yard, which smells of jasmine and freesia. I need to be able to actually spend some time in it. But now I must go to bed as I have to be up with the sparrows tomorrow to do this sodding pitch.
