Pottering ineffectually this morning getting things ready for Sarah and Fraser and their nippers who were coming to stay. At some point I fell down the stairs in slow motion which was a bit painful. Managed to snatch an hours sleep before they came, as I'm still feeling very exhausted.

Fraser and Snaiirs' children are excellent. Amelia is three and says quite a lot, and Freddie is about nine months and is very sweet too. Good to see Fraser as I'd not seen him for some time and he was looking very well. We'd all been invited to see Anna and Anton. Klaudia and Amelia getting on very well. Anton barbecued some lamb outside which was very nice and had a smoky taste.

Baby Klauds was very sweet with me today. She wandered over and wanted to be picked up, and looking at me expectantly asking for water and later a tissue. Fascinating to see listen to her and Amelia having conversations.

Then back down the hill to my place and Sarah and Frase organising their nippers, and then having long chats with them till late. Fraser, who is a hack like me, now working freelance and enjoying it and his health after his heart operations has stabilized now, which is excellent news. Sarah cross examining me about MJ.

Interestingly Amelia was unhappy about sleeping in the bedroom with the bunks and said there was a man in it. Apparently she often describes her sightings in great detail, including a man at their house in what sounds like a tricorn hat. I have always found my house to be spook free, and benign in atmosphere -- although I spend the least time in that room.
