Met Anton and Anna's son today. He was sleeping like a proverbial baby. Anna at home 24 hours after giving birth, and being generally full of beans. The baby has yet to be named. Both parents rightfully proud and a bit shattered.

Lurked around with them this evening and Anna's parents Stephanie and David, but left early as A&A were fighting to keep awake.

Klaudia being utterly angelic and kissing the baby lots of times and reading to him and so on, which was very sweet. And of course allayed fears that she would be traumatised by the new arrival.

The morning had started with working on a bit of poetry, followed by breakfast with Anton, Klaudia, Brian and Anne and Keith. We went to Bill's, which is a really good place if you get there early enough. Anton then off to the hospital and we pushed Klaudia's pram back up the hill.

Later, as it was such a beautiful day I had a long walk along the coast to Rottingdean, and ended up walking for about 11 miles. Below Junior, Pingu the Penguin, and Klaudia.
