Day started well, with me springing from Anton's sofa early and making Brighton Station in plenty of time. It transpired that I had the wrong ticket though, and after a heroic effort to get a right one I missed my train. I faced an hour's wait, so I caught another train which took me to Blackfriars and I was only about 25 minutes late in the end. And the journey was quite enjoyable.

Work was uneventful, although it felt odd without Katie, and my art director is on holiday too so I have been rattling about somewhat. Slipped out at lunch to buy sushi from pret a manger and sloped off after work for a swim. The pool was busy with lots of men attacking the water and creating fountains and splashy surges. I prefer slow and steady myself, as it is more relaxing that way.

Home, and listening to Gorecki.
