Not an imposter
Printed out a full first draft of the long poem Gordon Road now. Some of it still a bit sketchy and prosaic, but the overall shape is there. Now it is just a case of buffing away at the clunkily prosaic bits. Saw the cover of Supernatural Tales for the Spring issue. What's Inside is the first story in the issue, and so my name was top of the list. I felt rather smug about this. I was also contacted by Chris from Seahaven poets wanting a photo etc. for promoting my reading in Seaford in April. Imposter syndrome unusually low today. Meanwhile Lorraine got one of the gardeners back to deal with a few bits that were missed the other day. She is so good at dealing with people. Lorraine spent some time with Pat and Maureen. Then sent my blood pressure readings off to the surgery (being a wuss I have outsourced this to her). Next she and Beth and James drove off to Basingstoke, to stay overnight before Glenice's funeral tomorrow. Shortly after she left, B...