Who's zoomin' who?

April Fool's day. Up early for a 8:30 zoom meeting this morning with Carolyn and The French Bloke, who had the giant face of a terrifying clown as his backdrop. At noon, a briefing chat with Fi, who is working from home in a windmill in Portugal, Matty boy, Slug and Andy.

Briefing went on for a gruelling two hours, and I emerged somewhat dazed and trying for some hours to get my head around what exactly was needed, and made very little progress. Had greatly enjoyed Slug's backdrop of a room like a concrete bunker with a man in a hazmat suit standing in the background. He had also been victim of a hideous April fool joke this morning, when he was told that a client had changed everything about a job he had just finished.

Had Who's zoomin' who by Aretha Franklyn going around in my head all day.
