Early purple orchids
Having already uploaded my Skelton video last night, I had a freer day. I wrote some overdue emails to Robin and Richard and Jane and a quick congratulations note to Charlotte whose new collection, The Girl Who Cried arrived yesterday. Had a quick whizz through and they are magnificent poems. Then went for a long walk. A brisk, cool wind, but the air is noticeably fresher than usual. Encountered very few people, although once I was walking inside the hill fort, a man started screaming in the distance. He had lost his dog, and was sprinting about frantically calling for it, and he shouted at me from some distance to see if I had seen his white beagle. He seemed utterly traumatised and was shouting at the top of his lungs. Later I saw him reunited with his dog, who was capering about leadless and completely unconcerned. Noticing flowers here and there today. Purple orchids mainly, which I discover are called early purple orchids. I called Mum when I got back, and had a leisurely af...