A sting in the tail

A poor night's sleep. I came downstairs and had a chamomile tea at around 4am, with Calliope delightedly purring on me for half an hour. Being the day after Janet died, there were lots of calls this morning.  Pat phoned me to send his and Maureen's condolences and saying that him and Maureen were sad about Janet's death.

Then I went to Janet and Ken's house, and met Madeline, Hus, May, Heather and Kim. After a protracted but ultimately successful search for Janet's passport, we all drove to Martlets for a short meeting and to be handed over relevant certificates. Madeline said that to proceed, she had to be sure she was the named executor in the will, so May drove me home as I had a copy of the will. We got stuck in traffic, I enjoyed chatting with May though, she is an intelligent and sensitive person.

May and drove us back to Third Avenue and waited for the others, who had gone to the Town Hall to collect the death certificates, of which many were needed. Felt very tired this afternoon.

Once the others returned, Madeline opened the will to check that she was executor. Then a sting in the tail; the dismaying (to me) news that Janet had named me as co-executor. In all the time I'd spent talking with Janet in the last few months there was never a mention of this, and it is not a role I would ever have accepted. Madeline, bless her, who spent the day being a hot knife through butter, said that she had always known she was going to be executor, and would take the admin on and just consult me over the thorny bits. If this can be the way it works, this is one of the best presents anyone has ever given me. So home again, but unable to shake off the the dismal feeling that the fallout from Janet's death would stretch well into the future.

Home a bit before Lorraine, and heated up the pie we bought in the farm shop the other day. Apple and pork it was, and rather yummy with steamed veggies. Lorraine had a trying day at school, but pie and chatting and a small glass of wine all helped.
