Poles Apart
Stormy rain this morning, and bloody cold again. A wretched way to start a Monday. However my journey was smooth as anything, and I started work on a new theatrical idea. Sitting on the same table as another woman muttering irritably at her emails. This woman didn't have the excuse of noise cancelling headphones. Lidya, Spansh art director said the weather was 'very disgusting and uncomfortable', which made me laugh somewhat. Into work, kicking my heels all morning, then a meeting just before lunch, which meant I had a mere 20 minutes walk, and then a dispiriting meeting afterwards, which looked again at the work I'd done last week which everyone loved, and now the goalposts are all moved, and we have a day and a bit to come up with new ideas, when we have squandered days on doing things that weren't quite right. Nobody's fault, but a tad galling. However, I did find out that plans are afoot to pay one of my invoices, which is deeply welcome news. Left...