Back at the Kenny nerve centre

Lorraine having a senior leadership meeting in the house. We got up at 7:00pm, which was mild mannered by usual standards. 

I sat at my desk in the Kenny nerve centre, slowly picking up the threads of what needs to be done. Quite a lot, it turns out. I want to do is finish the novel, but the organising to be done for the Edinburgh adventure is jangling my nerves and has to be done first. I bought indemnity insurance for the play. Betty appeared in my study, and I had not seen her for a while to talk to, and she and John are getting excited about renting a flat together. I told her I was already getting empty nest syndrome.

Went to the gym at lunchtime, and had a little more gas in the tank than the day before yesterday and managed half an hour on the cross trainer. Good to be exercising again, as I feel particularly unfit at present. Then we walked back home and resumed work. Enjoyed the commute home from work once I was done, and Lorraine's senior leadership team had left, which I achieved simply by walking downstairs. Lorraine and I watched the second episode of The Handmaid's Tale today. A really good TV adaptation I think. 
