Head for the shallows

So the last of January. Got up and worked hard all day. Beth still ill at home, and self-administering digestive biscuits, and sniffing miserably on the gold sofa. Went for a couple of short walks, but the cold and rain got the better of me.

Lorraine, her school inspection went as well as could have been hoped for and apparently the inspector was a particularly nice person. Good to have her home, once fed she simply fell asleep on the sofa.

Was contacted by my pals in the French agency, and actually did an hour's freelance. So at least January wasn't entirely penniless. I have a little coffer filling stuff lined up for Feb so I am not too concerned.

Trying to think of news-coping strategies. It is entirely possible to become despondent if you brood on current events long enough. I was browsing the GQ website in the afternoon, and decided to head for the shallows. Clothes might be the answer.
