Parade, rehearsals, and a long lost brother...

Into town this morning to see the Children's Parade with Lorraine. Always makes me feel cheery and proud of Brighton when we see them do this. So much effort goes into this parade, and I could picture, this year better than previously, just how many unpaid teacher hours go into it.

In the afternoon, Lorraine drove me down to the school where we are rehearsing for a couple of hours. After flying in the previous rehearsal, this one a bit of a reality check, and back to earth with a bump. But no reason to panic, as not having such a good rehearsal simply serves to focus everyone's mind's for the next few, and then the actual performance. Also showed up that the cast have a good team spirit. A fast drink afterwards with Betty, Kitty and Dylan. Then I bussed home.

Ken, Lorraine's brother who lives in Ireland, had called round. It was only the second time I'd ever met him, and Lorraine and Ken were in the kitchen chatting. Good to see him. Ken had phoned me, not being able to reach Lorraine, who was in the supermarket, and surprised her outside the house. It was only when he took his glasses off she recognised him.  Got to hear about his dogs, and travelling for work and life in Ireland and so on.

Then Derek and Lesley came round for supper. Had a really nice night with them. Derek is a big music lover, apparently they were organising his music collection the other day and found that he had over 4,000 CDs and records. Played several of his choices, which is easy to do on Spotify, and a lovely way to hear new music.  A cheery evening.

Below nice to see our bus, the 5B, immortalised, also local legend Disco Pete, who I first saw here who is now unable to dance anymore.

