A sense of excitement

Up early, feeling fairly and feeling far healthier this week than I have done for a long while. I went to the gym for the third day in a row.

The sunshine helps too, it does't feel right to be indoors. So after working at various adminny bits to do with the play this morning, I went off to the gym in the afternoon, then called in on Janet and Ken having picked up a few bits and bobs in town for them and had a cup of tea and a chat. Good to see Ken at home, much happier in himself and looking a good deal brighter.

Home, and chatted to Mum on FaceTime, then made my lovely wife a curry to eat and ate this with her before zooming off to The Warren which was opened tonight. Beth and I were expecting an intimate gathering of performers, but actually it was a formless free for all. Still, we drank a couple of beers that needed drinking, and distributed some leaflets and chatted to a few people, including Dave Bramwell who is a pal of Dawn's and wrote the Cheeky guides among other things. We beat a retreat when our conversation was rudely interrupted by Lorraine Bowen. Still all good fun.

The Theatre Box looks excellent, from the outside, a big red box. We were looking at it and thinking that we were going to be inside it in 12 days doing the show. At this moment excitement outweighing the nerves.

Below early morning sunlight on the view from Lorraine and my bedroom, and Betty outside the Theatre Box looking excitable.
