Ferns and rehearsals
An industrious day, with Lorraine doing lots of prep for going back to school tomorrow. I started to write lists of all the things I needed to do, a surprisingly daunting list. Then I coaxed Lorraine into the outside world to look at our stumpery and decided where our extra stumps and ferns should go. One is pleasingly hollow, and allows for a fern to be placed inside it. I then did a bit of digging and planting for a bit. Very satisfying.
Off then for the afternoon to rehearsals. Met Betty at The Duke of Wellington. Focusing mainly on the second act with Dylan today, as Kitty was going to be late down from London. A really good session and I keep glimpsing what should be a play I'm proud of. Once they start bringing the play to life, I keep spotting connections that were completely subconscious, but indubitably there.
Home to a lovely Sunday supper with Lorraine.
Then I called Janet, as Ken is in hospital in Haywards Heath having had a bladder problem. We had a good chat.
Lorraine and I watched another episode of Twin Peaks, afore sliding off to bed.
Below Kitty and Dylan in frozen Noooo! faces.
Off then for the afternoon to rehearsals. Met Betty at The Duke of Wellington. Focusing mainly on the second act with Dylan today, as Kitty was going to be late down from London. A really good session and I keep glimpsing what should be a play I'm proud of. Once they start bringing the play to life, I keep spotting connections that were completely subconscious, but indubitably there.
Home to a lovely Sunday supper with Lorraine.
Then I called Janet, as Ken is in hospital in Haywards Heath having had a bladder problem. We had a good chat.
Lorraine and I watched another episode of Twin Peaks, afore sliding off to bed.
Below Kitty and Dylan in frozen Noooo! faces.
