Infernal neck

Barely slept due to infernal neck. Ended up Keith Richards style taking various drugs including a diazepam early in the morning and as a consequence bleary but strangely calm this morning.  Lorraine crept out quietly without waking me, as she sloped off to work. Once I was up, working sporadically with a hot bean bag on my neck and sitting about as if having a plank up my jumper.

Working all day again on Chad stuff.

Men arrived bearing a new sideboard, chairs and a table. They asked me if I wanted them to assemble the table. I readily assented and it took them about half an hour to put four legs on. It all looks pretty smart though, and if I wasn't in pain, exhausted and stressed I would have probably enjoyed it a bit more.

A nice email from my poet pal Charlotte Gann this morning. I sent her a moany email, which she later said she found therapeutic, and both enthused about Brian Eno. A walk in the afternoon to maintain sanity.  Beth chaperoning, and Lorraine pilates late this evening so I cooked a stir fry. Early to bed, feeling a little less seized up than the previous night.
