A cracking Sunday

Sunday a much-needed recuperation day on the gold sofa. As I have been feeling unwell it was a real boon. Lorraine at last with a Sunday that she didn't have to spend working. Instead she stubbed her little toe so hard that it audibly cracked and her foot is bruised, and she has almost certainly fractured it. An event which brought out the stoic ex-nurse in her, who said all that could be done for it was to be buddy strapped.

Found myself reading about string theory online, I can't say I'm much the wiser. It seems to be one of those things where the Venn diagram of physics and what seems common sense do not overlap. I am considering the purchase of String Theory for Dummies.  Also reading more of A Loop of Jade by Sarah Howe. A curate's egg, but when she's good she is very good.
