Working from home

Foggy morning, and in the morning I looked out of the bedroom window and there was a tide of fog further down the hill, like a dark cloud blotting the rest of Brighton out.

Feeling lethargic but as there was work to be done for my chums in Chiswick, and mes amis in Paris a cocktail of charity work and flea treatments.

At lunchtime I walked down to the costume shop to take back my Frankenstein humps, and Lorraine's black necklace. A gorgeous day and I stopped to admire the secret garden and the fallen leaves. Spoke to Anton this morning. Otherwise little of consequence to report.

An evening spent listening to music with Lorraine, and Beth when she finally got back from work. Loving our new sound system.

Below looking down on the fog, which obscured the rest of town, and later in the walled garden.
