Lorraine's beta birthday

Lorraine's birthday. I was unable to spring up and make her an early breakfast and tea as planned as my leg was locked in spasm. Instead Lorraine had to bring me an icepack, tea and breakfast before she went off to work. One of her schools had an ofsted inspection, which meant she did not arrive home till late either.  

As my bones don't seem to be broken I couldn't face the prospect of spending hours in outpatients. Talking to Lorraine about it this evening, all the symptoms (and the sort of popping as I fell) are consistent with a muscle tear. The muscles have locked up. And the treatment is ice and bedrest for the first couple of days. I slept too as I'd not slept the night before.  Luckily Beth was at home for some of the day, and brought me teas and icepacks, fetched Lorraine's present from town (a nice tan leather bag) which had finally been delivered and generally looked after me. Luckily I am a good hobbler.

I had planned to get up to London to see Mum, friends and have a couple of meetings, but have had to nix these. FaceTimed mum however. Also texted Matty, with leg story. Stephen broke his leg just after 11 London started. Suggested we should call it legs 11. 

Spoke later to Pat who was phoning to wish Lorraine happy birthday.  I crept downstairs for Lorraine's arrival. Beth and Lorraine picked up excellent pizza from Pizza 500 and we scarfed these then Lorraine opened the rest of her cards and presents, and was very pleased to be home. I think this is going to be a beta-Birthday. The real celebrations will happen this weekend.
