Coffee with Mindy

Up late after a dreadful night's sleep, waking in the night weirdly panicked and dehydrated, bused into the smog of Brighton to meet Mindy at the Marwood. There is a noticeable foulness about the air.

Good to catch up with her jetlagged as she was from a trip to New York with David. While there she had dragged him deep into Queens to see a theatre show in someone's house, and then added David's address as a possible venue for the world tour. I observed she could be quite high maintenance sometimes. Really good to see her and sip a couple of coffees in the Marwood, which I always enjoy.

Fond farewells with Mindy, who I realise now I have known for about 30 years, then ambled home, stopping off to buy a second hand copy of Nine Songs by Arthur Waley, and fail to have a haircut as I couldn't be bothered to queue. Had a snack with Lorraine on the patio, conscious now of more than half a dozen foxes stowed in their den a few feet away. A real sun trap.

Bits of admin to do with Telltale this afternoon, and also doing a bit of practice and sifting for my reading in Lewes next Wednesday. Also tried to pin down the offer of work I had early in the week, but yet again this seems to have melted away.

Lorraine had been beavering on reports upstairs and after we were done, we sat in the sun and potted up herbs, and standard roses and planted some black grass and watered things. The plum tree has flowers now too. I find I am loving it.

Betty back from London having had a shoot for the famous Ugly Models agency, and we had a quiet water-sipping sort of night, which did me the world of good.

Below a picture in the Marwood, a Woolworth's landscape subverted by invading aliens; and a peacock butterfly snapped in the garden.
