Back to work

Dragged my sorry behind off to London, dazed but fairly cheery after last night. Day four at the blowhard convention, and a punishing afternoon session where I had to slip out to the gents, lock myself into a cubicle and give vent to a near silent bout of Tourette's for a minute before I felt I could return.

Up to to stay with Mum and Mase again in the evening. Walked to the Weatherspoons pub in Stanmore where they had secured a booth. For it was the popular curry night, and decent pints of lager were also to be had for a couple of quid. It seemed rude not to drink some of these as we spent the evening chatting. Mum also falling into a beauty conversation with ladies in powder room. Back to Edgware feeling very full and very tired. I took myself rapidly to bed.
