A dip in Saints Bay

Off to Guernsey. Always a happy day. Galloping off to the station this morning, blue skies and sun. Leaving Pat and Maureen cat sitting. Arrived early at the airport. We caught Auringy's spanking new jet, apparently the big brother of Joey the yellow Trilander who seems to have become a personality as you can see from this.

I was feeling a bit twitchy this morning, but the flight was fine and our jet took a mere 35 minutes, zooming out of a cloudy Gatwick to sunny Guernsey. So fast in fact that there was no time to serve us a cup of tea, because we were sat towards the middle of the flight. The jet flies at a higher altitude and so got look down at Jersey in a way I'd never seen before.

A taxi from the airport to La Barbarie where of course we were greeted warmly, and after dumping our stuff we sat by the pool, and ordered cheese and onion sandwiches and a pot of tea. Some tiny winged black insect I've never seen sat on my wrist and bit it twice, which was not only disproportionately painful but itched instantly. Possibly sent by Calliope in supernatural retaliation for leaving her.

Off then as tradition dictates to Icart Point which was looking suitably glorious in the sun. All about in the hedgerows and in gardens are orange monbretias and fuchsia and it all looks gorgeous.  A walk around the headland, a beautiful blue and clear day. Saints Bay looked particularly inviting below, so we went back to the hotel for our swimmies and walked down to the bay to edge screamingly into the water. It felt very cold at first but we managed to stay in for half an hour before sploshing blueishly out to warm up basking up on the granite rocks.

Back up to the hotel and a nice supper. I had their excellent pork belly and Lorraine had scallops, and both of us had an unusually restrained amount of booze. To our room both feeling sleepy and very happy to be back.

Below a liner passing between Sark and Guernsey, Saints Bay, towards Moulin Huet bay, and some monbretia, and the sea we swam in.
