Seaside strollers
Instead of sprawling in bed drinking tea and reading the newspapers on our screens, Lorraine and I got up and drove to the sea this morning for a walk and a bite of breakfast by the sea in Hove. Spent quite a lot of time congratulating ourselves on how well we had done and strolled about looking at thin channel of cloud that passed overhead and lead out over the sea. Beth back this afternoon for a couple of days, which was an excuse for cooking a roast pork supper. And generally hanging out. She is looking well and had a nice haircut. She and Lorraine had a vast sorting out of Beth's bedroom session. I worked instead for most of the afternoon on various parts of the Cloud of Things That Must Be Done, but these were relating to my upcoming The Nightwork pamphlet launch readings - and following up with Melody at Kogan Page about my book proposal and astonishingly got a reply back from her on Sunday afternoon. Spoke to Catherine who said that she and Tanya were going for an 'up...