Relationship Status: Desperate

Feeling brighter this morning, and full of cheer about the weekend. Due to the way the work is flowing, I have two days where I can work from home next week, so at last I will be able to put in some proper time on my poetry collection. Since I came back from Guernsey I have earned lots of money, and the welcome sound of money tumbling into the Kenny coffers. I have earned enough to compensate for avoiding freelancing at the beginning of the year as I was finishing the big project and paid for the Guernsey holiday. Also had to turn down two offers of work this week too.

A good day's work with some lovely people. Tried to leave early to get back to Brighton but was thwarted at the last moment.  The journey home fine however, and I even had a can of beer on the train. Rushed out to get a taxi to take me to the Purple Playhouse where Beth and Emily's play was on. Lorraine on the door, had to zoom off because she was doing the tech stuff.

I sat at on the door for a bit before stealing into the play 10-15 minutes in. Nice venue, and had not been there before. A good audience, with of course lots of familiar faces too, a posse from the girl's college, and our chums like Dawn, Rosie, Helen, Matt, John, Glenda & Richard, Jess & Andrew, John, Gary and Sophie and two of their friends, and Beth's old pals Kayleigh and Becky P.

The play Relationship Status: Desperate went down well and was an entertaining hour of fun. For the girls it was a step up from doing it in front of their college audience. Naturally I am biased and so was most focused on Beth. She has the capacity to be herself, but more so, on stage and comes across as relaxed and natural. Gary and I were chatting about this afterwards, and he said how proud he was of her. Rosie said that Beth seems to collude with the audience, which I think is spot on.  Emily did well too, and I think her writing is strong. The boys in the cast were a gamut of difficult or obnoxious dates, and had lots of fun with that.

After the show Lorraine and I drove some stuff home, and jumped in a cab to go to The Good Companions pub for a much needed booze with Beth and many of our pals. A regrettable Ace pizza on the way home but, in my defence, I was starving.

Below with all the freelance I've been doing, not to mention all the offers of work, this headline today seemed to say it all.
