New resolutioners

Up early again. The jetlag abating slowly.A productive morning but as the day wore on my ability to form sentences abandoned me, making me feel irritable. Instead I spoke to Mum to arrange a rendezvous next week, to Janet and Ken, who I will see on Friday afternoon, and to Anton who I will drink beer with soon.

To the gym at 3pm but feeling very jetlagged. It made me feel a little livelier for half an hour then I had to stop as I felt dizzy. The place crammed with the New Year Resolutioners. Enjoyed wondering how many of them are there in February as it made me feel like a steely eyed gym bunny. An inordinate amount of metrosexual mirror work in the male changing rooms this afternoon. All these guys in their twenties made me feel a bit ancient, and remember my rugby playing days, where that sort of thing would have asked for a kicking. Society has come a long way.

Pretty useless once home. Watched Captain Kirk battle the Gorn, which is amusing. Then I cooked, and sat on the gold sofa with my lovely wife. A great advance today, however, was that I lasted till gone 10 o'clock before slumping. Life is normalising.  
