The tide turns

Curiously got out of the right side of the bed this morning, and have officially have had a word with myself about being a walking one-man gloomfest.

So, cheerily, off to the Twitten where the new plumber, much to my stunned surprise, was actually early and Gary had let him in. After conversations about showers, returned home for a bit, spoke to Anton, before hoofing off to the quack to restock with antibiotics. A long wait due to a computer problem, but listening to Seasons in the Sun, a history book subtitled The Battle for Britain 1974-79 by Dominic Sandbrook. Particularly enjoyable for me as I was a teenager at this time and it mixes in lots of cultural and social stuff to give the political struggle context. An absorbing, if right-leaning, interpretation of the times.

Out again this afternoon to meet Sophie, as she was somewhat delayed I found myself in Starbucks again drinking a cup of earl grey tea, where I wrote some new words for a song which I will send to Matt about automated call handling. At the moment I seem to have a bit of a spiritual undercurrent to things I am writing, and was thinking about the absence of God as I was writing it, the idea of calling without being answered.

Fab to see Sophie as usual. We went for a chilly walk down by the sea, which still had light glimmering on the horizon and crunching about on the pebbles. Sophie's ankle repaired having broken it in the summer on the first day of her holiday in Greece. Then off to the cricketers for a nip of whisky for Sophie and a cheeky beer for me. Then to Zizzi's for a pizza. Lots of gossip to catch up with, work to discuss, and relationships and family to ask after, and photos of the bairns, now rapidly growing up, to look at. Christof looking handsome, got one A and three A* in his A-levels, and is off to Moscow to teach English to underprivileged children before going to University. Electra rapidly approaching 14 and doing very well too, and no doubt attracting the eyes of the boys too. Laughing at Sophie turning into an archetypal Greek mother and saying that she hoped Electra wouldn't find out how pretty she was till much later. Walked Sophie to the station, and then gratefully home and out of the cold.

Lorraine had a works turkey meal this afternoon, and was cheerful too, and no doubt pleased to see I didn't have a face like a wet weekend.
