Sunset at Icart

Slept in this morning, and up and running about to pack. Once packed, and our case safely left in La Barbarie's Reception, Lorraine and I took ourselves off for a walk down to Moulin Huet. A spectacularly beautiful day and Moulin Huet valley full of the sound of water running through it. Down the steep path to the bay. Just below the cafe, there is a programme to eradicate Japanese Knotweed. A couple of volunteers working away and burning the offending invader.

 Lorraine and I scrambling over stones, and walking on the sand, and watching the tide coming in, and the sun low in the sky even at noon. Warm sunny hours, like summer displaced to November. Eventually clambered up back to the Captains for a late lunch. Managed to get a table after a cancellation, and had a hearty roast, and a couple of bottles of Pony.

 From here to Icart to watch the sun set amid beautiful apricot and steely blue clouds. A proper closure. Back to La Barbarie, where we picked up the cab we'd ordered. We were the last guests of the year to depart, bitter enders. Had a chat with Andy the owner before we went. Flight home fine, looking out of the window at the lights from the islands, the coast of France. Flew over Brighton, and the pier and wheel and marina were clearly visible. Lorraine asked the stewardess as we left if that was her day done, and she said that they were returning to Guernsey. Felt a strong desire to stay on the plane, as five days had not been anywhere like long enough.

 Home to a quorn sausage snack. Had to clean the filter of one of the tanks, and noticed that the tank's temperature was way too low, as the heater had appeared to stop working. After rigging up a new one, the original started working again. Great to be in our own bed, and Calliope wrigging about happily between us.

Below Moulin Huet, and sunset at Icart.


Kate said…
Beautiful photos, PK.