Sofa time

Definitely hungover this morning. I was not, however, the only one. Feeling slightly nauseous, I had to sit outside in the fresh air for a while. Soon felt right, however, due to the amazing therapeutic properties of a bacon roll.

Usual suspects for Lorraine and I to lurk about with. First Matie walking about with one contact in, Matty extolling the virtue of showers, and naturally Max and Michel, whose children are adorable, and Judith who seemed remarkably poised for a lady who was trampolining in the small hours. After sufficient tea was drunk, and I had a go on Michel's new guitar, a Washburn the same make as my one, Bianca, then fond farewells exchanged and Lorraine and I drove home listening to radio four in the car. Once home Lorraine and I dove onto the gold sofa and barely moved for some time.

On the way home we had bought a chicken, but as I prepared it I pulled the legs apart to stuff it with onion and sage only to discover it was a virulent green. Lorraine out watching a show with Klaudia that Betty was in. When she returned I got us a takeaway. Later Beth arrived too and was somewhat tired and miserable and needed reviving with tea and hugs from her mum.

And so to bed. Slept on the floor last night, so very good indeed to be back on a tempur mattress.
