Ticking boxes

We heard Cath slip away early in the morning, and later I got up due to the persistence of cats and their infernal demands for prawns and food. Tidied away (with some disgust) kebab nastiness before Lorraine got up and we had a slow breakfast.

Cats sitting like chess pieces on the paving stones outside as we drove off to the Twitten. Today emptied my house of almost everything, cramming Lorraine's car with yet more boxes, spades and various unlikely salvage. Called in on Anna to drop off the record player stand Anton had lent me, and had a chat with Mark and Hilary, and helped them carry sacks down the Twitten. Then the supermarket followed by a much-needed flop on the sofa. Lorraine cooked roast chicken and many delicious vegetables for supper, and we watched a fair amount of nonsense on the television.
