Stranded in London

So to London again to work in Tavistock Square. Feeling cheery this morning, as I was to work on some interesting stuff to do with dental caries (tooth decay). Made Pooterish observations about how the work was boring and the same old drill, though no one seemed to appreciate this. Hot sweaty day, and the office air conditioning seemingly at its last gasp. Sidled up to Marks and Sparks with Kate at lunchtime for a chat as we bought our lunches. Worked with Keith in the late afternoon. I find working with him quite exhilarating sometimes.

Then shortly before I set off from home Lorraine texted me to say that as she was driving home the radio had said the trains between London and Brighton were doomed. A burst water main had created a small landslip onto the track which had made it impassable. Quick glance at all the websites showed that to get to Gatwick (half way home for me) add four hours onto your journey. Plan B was to leap into the sweaty sardine tin of the tube at Euston and zoom off to Edgware.

This all turned into a lucky evening, as Mum and Mas took me to a local pub where we ate steaks and drank cold beer and chatted for hours. Mum on particularly good form having come off her anti-shingles medications, which were a form of tranquilliser which made her a bit strung out and hippyish. Talked lots about all manner of dark family matters until it was time to go home and sprawl asleep. Mum was persistent about the virtues of lavender and she put an oily dab of this under my chin to help me sleep.

Below the landslip near Croydon that disrupted travel to the South Coast. As a non-expert in this field it seems that if one of those blokes had remembered to bring a shovel they could have cleared it up in ten minutes.
