Eagle day

Slightly monomaniac day. Worked continuously on what is now called Defenders of Guernsey, the 12k word story I am writing for the festival. It is a race against time, but I am pleased with its density of action and event which I think works for 10 year olds. Took a gym break in the afternoon, but feeling hot and had no gas in the tank.

In the evening sauntered down to Lorriane's place to eat supper with her, Betty, Sam and Mark. They went their various ways, and Lorraine and I went for a walk dropping into The Signalman for a sedate glass of beer before returning home to her place and a welcome early night.

A new sign that I am becoming middle aged: I downloaded Their Greatest Hits 1971-75 by The Eagles and am really enjoying it. I found them a bit boring at the time, but find them toe tappers now. Maybe it's all this sun.
